Tag #135753 - Interview #78043 (elza rizova)

Selected text
My grandfather Samuel Baruh was a hazan. He maintained the temple in the
town of Vidin. His whole family was very religious; so was my mother. My
grandfather used to wear something like a dress coat, black clothing and an
ordinary black hat. He dressed very well at those times.

There was a water pump in their house and the whole neighborhood used the
pump because the water was sweet. They had a wonderful yard with marvelous
quince trees. The house was old but very well-kept. They had some hens and
a dog. They didn't have any domestic help for the garden and the household.
Their younger daughter looked after them till the end of their lives. They
were a model family for the whole town. My grandfather was strongly
religious, but he didn't have any political views. He was a modest person;
he didn't take part in the town's political life.


elza rizova