Tag #135789 - Interview #78043 (elza rizova)

Selected text
My father was moved from Vidin to work in the Sofia municipality. In the
years of the Holocaust, we were sent to Pleven first. But that lawyer,
Minkov, came from Vidin to Sofia. My mother told him that they were
interning us in Pleven and he came here, in the Jewish commissariat and
arranged for us to go back to Vidin. It was because my father was a famous
person and he had a lot of friends who helped my mother and us survive,
otherwise we couldn't have made it. The internment - I think it lasted for
2 years - ended when the war was over.

During the internment, I came to Sofia wearing a badge. My colleagues from
the "Rila" factory invited me to come to a celebration and they paid my
travel expenses. I didn't have any money. I was allowed to come for one
evening to Sofia and return within 24 hours. A colleague invited me to
sleep at her place. I objected that her husband was a cop. In the end, in
spite of the fact that he was a cop, he walked me to the station next
evening. He bought me a ticket and entrusted me to a man he knew and I
traveled in safety.


elza rizova