Tag #135799 - Interview #78043 (elza rizova)

Selected text
I have been a member of "Shalom" organization for many years, but since the
Jewish organization began. I attend the "Health" club together with elderly
Jewish women. I also participate in the "Elderly" club. My circle of
friends is not only Jewish. I have friends here in the neighborhood. We sit
on a bench every afternoon, we share things and we are inseparable.

I visited Israel twice before 1989, before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The
first time was in1958. There was a war. It was very frightening. The
second trip to Israel was in 1988. My nephew paid for my ticket. I
resembled his mother, and he wanted to see me. He had emigrated when he was
very young and we didn't keep in touch. My brother and my sister also got
tickets. I was there for 3 months.

It was good that the Berlin Wall fell. It was good that roads were open so
that people could travel and live a different life - not only in Bulgaria.
People have the opportunity to study abroad, to move, to change their


elza rizova