Tag #135955 - Interview #99539 (Jozef W.)

Selected text
In Trencin in March 1942 I married Anka. Anicka Rosefeldova was also a shomer. By coincidence she was doing hachshara in Trencin, where we met. Her father, a Czech Jew, and a doctor, worked in Rozhanovce [Kosice region]. From there he’d been expelled to Czechia, for one as a Jew, for another as a Czech [11], and for yet another as an officer of the Czechoslovak army. So Anicka remained alone. Her mother had died before the war, of blood poisoning. She had gotten blood poisoning, and her husband, a doctor, was of the opinion that her arm needed to be amputated, but she didn’t want to have it done, and finally died of her wound.


Jozef W.