Tag #136178 - Interview #78496 (Miklos Kallos)

Selected text
In any case, after everything I had gone through, after everything that had happened to me and especially after the weeks following my return to Oradea – where I couldn’t find any trace of the people I had once known, or of my house, or of my belongings – I was through with religion.

Nevertheless, a few months after the liberation, I still went to the synagogue from time to time, on Saturday and for the fall holidays of 1945. I didn’t do it out of religiousness, but because I missed an atmosphere that I knew so well and that I had grown up with; yet, that atmosphere was never to be found again. Meanwhile, I finally became a member of the Communist Party. By that, my instinctive appreciation for some Communists became official. I also adopted their materialist philosophy to a large extent, so I parted with religion for a long time.


Miklos Kallos