Tag #136278 - Interview #78490 (Katalin Kallos Havas)

Selected text
When I arrived home I knew absolutely nothing about my brother. I first received news that he was alive in August. His wife worked in Auschwitz as a doctor right until the liberation. After that she was taken to another camp in Bergen-Belsen, and she continued to work there as doctor. When Buchenwald was liberated, my brother got a bike, and along with one of his doctor friends – who was also a Havas, Andor Havas – went to Bergen-Belsen. In the meantime my sister-in-law got typhoid, and my brother had to wait until she got better. His friend came home, though. I didn’t know Andor Havas, but when he arrived home he looked me up in Kolozsvar and told me my brother was in Bergen-Belsen and would come home in two weeks’ time. Andor Havas later died on a plane while flying to Israel. He had a heart attack when he was quite young.
Katalin Kallos Havas