Tag #136491 - Interview #103097 (Singer Alexander)

Selected text
In my youth I was a member of Mizrachi [11] in Bratislava. The youth group was named Bené Akibah, Akiba's Sons. Its name was based on the following historical event: During the Roman occupation of the Jewish state they were the students of the largest Talmudic school, most of which died in some epidemic.

To this day, the Com Akibah fast is held in their honor. The members were mostly Orthodox Jews. It was basically the same as Hashomer Hatzair [12]. The only difference was that the shomers were leftists. The program of both was emigration to the Palestine, to participate in hachsharah [13], prepare oneself for a certain profession and subsequently for the aliyah [aliyah: moving to the land of Israel – Editor's note].

The only difference was that they were leftists, and Mizrachi was religiously oriented. The celebrated rabbi of Mukachevo, Shapira [15], for example, was an anti-Zionist [14]. He was constantly making speeches and battling with Zionism.


Singer Alexander