Tag #136551 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
My ancestors came from Spain. Like the other Sephardim [2] in Bulgaria and the neighboring countries, they were expelled by the Spanish Queen Isabel in 1492 [3]. I don’t know where exactly they passed through, but they decided to permanently settle in Bulgaria. They led a calm life, absolutely in conformity with the Bulgarian nation during the Turkish Yoke as well as after the Liberation of Bulgaria [1877-1878] [4]. Of course they spoke with each other in Ladino [5], and outside their houses – Bulgarian and Turkish.

I can’t tell exactly how my ancestors earned their living, nor what precisely their style of dressing was, nor what customs they had and how they were tempered. In any case, what I know for sure is that my paternal grandfather, Samuel Beniesh, was a rabbi and a chazzan in the Sephardic synagogue in the town of Ruse. My grandmother, Sultana Beniesh – unfortunately I don’t know her maiden name –, like all other women of that time, was a housewife and was dedicated to the upbringing of the children.

One of Sultana and Samuel Beniesh’s four children was my father, Sinto Samuel Beniesh. He had three sisters – Chorosi, Mazal and a third, whose name I can’t remember. As a matter of fact, I don’t know anything about them. I have no information on my paternal grandparents’ sisters or brothers either.


Sultana Yulzari