Tag #136560 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
My father studied law, but unfortunately never completed his studies. He studied in Brasov, Romania. He studied there at the beginning of the last century, most probably in 1919,although I am not absolutely sure about the date. [Editor’s note: The Transylvanian city has been a part of Romania since 1920, when it was detached from Hungary. During the studies of the interviewee’s father the city belonged to Austria-Hungary; it became part of Romania only later.]

I remember dad as a very good and considerate father and husband. He was, however, of a very strict nature. This characteristic feature was directed especially toward us, the children. We were afraid of him a lot. When my mother used to say, ‘Your father’s coming’ – we, the two sisters, rushed and straight away laid the table. Before his arrival everything had to be ready. And when he sat at the table the bread and the water-jug were at his side. He used to take the bread, slice and ration it. After that he would take the water-jug and pour every one of us a glass. Then he would say a prayer. And it was not before that that we could start eating.


Sultana Yulzari