Tag #136564 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
Pesach was a very important holiday for our family, although in certain cases my mum and dad stepped away from the norms of the tradition as they didn’t always observe the kashrut on Pesach – but this was not an exception from the way the things are in a Jewish family, especially nowadays. [Editor’s note: The family was probably moderately religious, not strictly following the kashrut.]

Therefore the secret breaking of the ritual does not put a cast on my mother’s religiosity. It just means a less degree of self-control and self-discipline as compared to the high, I would say, fanatic religiosity of my father. This weakness of my mother does not exclude the idea for good religious upbringing of the children, including my upbringing.

Only we, the kids, knew of this ‘vicious’ habit of hers. In our house the kashrut was observed. When Pesach was nearing we started a clean-up of the whole house, and everything for everyday use was taken into the basement wherefrom clean dishes were fetched.


Sultana Yulzari