Tag #136567 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

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Besides, my dad had a separate room, jam-packed with prayer books and other religious books, where he used to seclude himself to read at ease, uninterrupted by us, the children. Quite frankly, we were afraid to enter this room.

My mother, Rashel Maier Beniesh, nee Farchi, was also religious but with some exceptions. In other words, she was not as fanatic as my father. I should mention that my mom used to eat secretly pork at home. But as a whole my mother was a freedom-loving woman. She had graduated from the ‘Santa Maria’ French Girls’ High School in Ruse, which was financially supported by the Catholics.

To a certain extent my mother was conservative, because she insisted that women knew how to sew and clean, rather than know as much as men do. Mum was a member of the Ruse women organization WIZO [6], but in spite of that she was conservative to a great extent.


Sultana Yulzari