Tag #136571 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
As a child I participated in Maccabi [7]. I was never a member of Hashomer Hatzair [8]. As a matter of fact, Maccabi and Hashomer Hatzair had great ideological arguments then in Ruse. Hashomer Hatzair was a very leftist, strongly Zionist Jewish youth organization. Whereas Maccabi was also Zionist, but above all – a Jewish youth physical training organization.

There was another youth’s organization, ‘Nikra,’ which focused on culture. I participated in it also. We often gathered and speeches were given on various issues connected with culture. In its essence it was a Zionist organization, without supporting the leftist views, for example, of Hashomer Hatzair. From this viewpoint I was a Zionist since my earliest years, and even – a revisionist. It was later that I started to share the leftist political views.

Besides, in this organization they educated us by letting us know about popular Jewish persons, such as Theodor Herzl [9], for example. They developed in us a feeling of patriotism and unity. However, I cannot remember who in particular held the lectures and who entertained us. I clearly remember, though, that we regularly attended interesting discussions on Israel and on the activity of our organization, ‘Nikra.


Sultana Yulzari