Tag #136580 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
In the period of the Law for the Protection of the Nation, in 1943, when some Jewish families from Sofia were interned to Ruse, we were nine people living in that house. The Primo family was then accommodated with us; a father, a mother, a son, and a daughter. Besides, one of my aunts from Varna, Malvina Geron, also lived there. Her husband, Salomon Geron, was a tradesman and owned a large shop in Varna. She was a housewife. They moved to Ruse only during the Law for the Protection of the Nation.

 After 1944 they returned to Varna and from there, in a year or two, they immigrated to Israel. In those days all my relatives had already immigrated to Israel. Mainly because of the fear that fascism might arise again Bulgaria. And because of the worry that socialism might take everything from them, so that they would be deprived of their property.


Sultana Yulzari