Tag #136593 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
In this period – during the Law for the Protection of the Nation – they often sounded the alarm for air-raids in Ruse. Then in the Jewish neighborhood we were surrounded by Bulgarians who were accommodated in the expropriated apartments of Jews. They used to run to hide in the air-raid shelters and we used to go home, gather in the garden and wait. Even my father ran home from the shop. There we gathered all shivering: my aunt from Varna, the children, my mum and dad, and my daughter [Buena], who was already born. It was very hard. 

As a matter of fact, I have to specify a detail. In the period of the Law for the Protection of the Nation neither our furniture, nor even my father’s shop got broken by the authorities, nor were they touched by whomever else at all. The reason was that my father had a military cross for bravery, which granted him special rights, despite being a Jew. This cross was either from the First Balkan War [12] or from the Second Balkan War [13]. I don’t know why he had participated in both the wars. But when I was born he was still a soldier.


Sultana Yulzari