Tag #136604 - Interview #98566 (Sultana Yulzari)

Selected text
When I was back from Israel I was always carrying presents for my colleagues – Bulgarians. I used to bring them ball-point pens, because in Bulgaria at that time people wrote with pens, that is, penholders dipped in ink, and the modern ball-point pens were still unknown. Before my departures it was these friends who saw me off.

Nobody has ever said anything bad to me. Something more – in 1963 the director of the enterprise where I worked invited my sister together with her husband to have a look at our modernized enterprise during their visit to Bulgaria.

I knew they were leading terrible wars in Israel. The brother of my brother’s wife was killed in 1948 [15]. Was it the first war? I remember that I monitored the events of 1967 [16] but only from afar. It was only the echo that reached us here.


Sultana Yulzari