Tag #136720 - Interview #78801 (Gyorgy Neufeld)

Selected text
My mother also organized the Kolozsvar branch of the WIZO, the Women's International Zionist Organization [10]. She often met [Moshe Weinberger] Carmilly [11] who also dealt with these Jewish organizations as the chief rabbi. The orphanage was supported by the women's organization. They assured the finances from donations. They organized tea-parties [as a game of balls to get everybody into the game] where the guests had to pay. For instance my mother invited five of her acquaintances and they had to pay a rather insignificant sum agreed upon in advance and they talked for about one or two hours. The five guests in turn, had to invite five other guests. Each of them and their guests also paid. It was made a principle that they couldn't invite those who had previously organized such parties, as they wanted to involve all the Jews from the town. Those who were really very poor and were left out, were helped from the money gathered.

Cluj Napoca

Gyorgy Neufeld