Tag #136793 - Interview #78481 (Samuel Izsak)

Selected text
In Temesvar we used to go to the theater and cinema. We went to see both Hungarian and Romanian performances. In the 1930s a Jewish acting company gave a guest performance in Temesvar. On that occasion a famous singer, Sidi Thal, made her appearance. [Editor’s note: Between the wars the Jewish singer Sidi Thal, along with the Yiddish acting company from Csernovic, toured Transylvania several times.] During the performance members of the Iron Guard [8] detonated a bomb, killing and injuring people. [Editor’s note: This incident happened in 1935, according to the Uj Kelet [New East] Jewish journal from Kolozsvar.] I wasn’t there, I just heard about it. My father-in-law to be was there, but he didn’t get injured.


Samuel Izsak