Tag #136824 - Interview #78481 (Samuel Izsak)

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My sentiment about my Jewry remained unchanged even after the Revolution. I didn’t think it was important to be a member of the community, and neither did my wife. But that doesn’t mean we broke our ties with the Jewish community. On the contrary: amongst other things, when I found out the community wanted to set up a library, I donated many valuable books to them. Recently, the president of the Jewish community, Gabor Goldner, asked me to write a history on the former Jewish hospital of Kolozsvar, which I did and handed over to him. I wrote it in Hungarian, but now it will be translated into Romanian and probably into English, as well, as part of a publication that will be published by the community. Occasionally we got some matzah from the community, and after I finished my work they even honored me with a bottle of Israeli brandy. In other words, the ties are still there.


Samuel Izsak