Tag #136835 - Interview #103294 (Alice Kosa)

Selected text
The maiden name of my maternal grandmother was Franciska Feder, Fanni. Her first husband was a man called Sternbach, he was an elder man, he could have been her father. That’s what my grandmother told me, that she didn’t love Sternbach, though he was a very good person, but he was so old, and there was the handsome Klein, who was an optician, and she loved him. 

However, Sternbach was wealthier, he had a prosperous restaurant, and her parents wanted her to get married to him.

What could a 14-15 years old girl do? She had to marry him. She hid even under the bed, when she saw Sternbach was coming, that’s what she related. All this happened in Fogaras, but I don’t know these more in detail; today’s children inquire more their parents than we did at the beginning of the last century.


Alice Kosa