Tag #136836 - Interview #103294 (Alice Kosa)

Selected text
My grandmother had a son, Viliam, Vilmos from Sternbach, he left for France, and had a large tailor’s shop in Paris.

Grandma’s first husband died, then she married Klein, but they had a very bad married life. My grandmother told me that he had been a very handsome man, but he was as beautiful as a bad and rude person, so their marriage lasted for a short time. 

They had a daughter, but she died after a few months. She was 10 or 12 months old, when grandma had to go to Brasso for some reason – I don’t know why, I didn’t ask such things as a child – [and she took the child too with her].

Grandma said that she had been such a beautiful child that people had stopped on the street in Brasso, and had admired her. But the little girl ran such a high temperature by the evening that she died soon. She was the eldest Klein daughter. Then a girl called Berta followed, then my mother.


Alice Kosa