Tag #136854 - Interview #103294 (Alice Kosa)

Selected text
In Sepsiszentgyorgy, where the theatre is today, that building used to be a cinema. Only for six weeks every year [were performances kept there], when actors came to Sepsiszentgyorgy. In Kolozsvar, in Pest, in big cities there were permanent theatres, but they didn’t come to Sepsiszentgyorgy, to such places, they didn’t go even to Kezdivasarhely. 

But there were many strolling players, they wondered all around the country. And they organized six weeks long courses in Sepsiszentgyorgy as well in each year.

It went well, one could buy a subscription ticket, or if the public liked what they were going to perform, they concluded a contract for eight weeks. They performed good operettas – operettas by Imre Kalman, the ‘Csardaskiralyno’ 

[The Riviera Girl, also known as The Gypsy Princess], ‘Vig ozvegy’ [The Merry Widow], they performed these, I liked them a lot when I was a young girl – and comedies, because people liked those, but they always performed a drama as well.


Alice Kosa