Tag #136863 - Interview #103294 (Alice Kosa)

Selected text
The community [in Sepsiszentgyorgy] was the simplest one, a status quo community [5]. I heard on TV that this religion [religious trend]doesn’t exist anymore [in the surroundings], because it has no followers. It has almost no followers. 

In Brasso, when we were living there, both Neologs and Orthodox lived. Here in Sepsiszentgyorgy Jews from the whole county weren’t religious at all. My father couldn’t even read in Jewish [Hebrew]. None of his siblings could speak Jewish.

They learnt how to pray, but I think they didn’t know what it meant. I attended the cheder as well. That’s how they called the kindergarten, Jewish children attended the kindergarten at the age of two already. I was going to the kindergarten as well.

Even if they were irreligious, they still sent the children to the kindergarten. In villages they didn’t even have this [cheder], though many Jews lived in the villages too. Well, only in Nagyborosnyo there were five or six Jewish groceries.


Alice Kosa