Tag #136895 - Interview #103294 (Alice Kosa)

Selected text
We didn’t have a religious wedding. I told Jeno that I wouldn’t quit my religion, even if I wasn’t observing it, I wouldn’t quit it. I don’t believe in it more, so why should I? Jeno and I walked up to the parish hall of Nagyborosnyo, and I said whoever would be there, would be the witness.

So an engineer became the witness, he worked in Brasso, at the sugarworks as an engineer, and he had just come home, and a farmer. That’s on my marriage certificate. They were in front of the parish hall, the farmer was talking to the engineer, and we asked them to be the witnesses. My two aunts prepared a good, tasty lunch, cakes, all kinds of things, but just for the family. My husband’s parents weren’t there [for lunch].


Alice Kosa