Tag #136918 - Interview #78015 (silvia nussbaum)

Selected text
My brother played the violin, and I
really liked it. I studied it (the violin) at seven or eight with a private
teacher. She was Jewish and called Matild Laszlo. She was the only one in
Torda, so a small town violin teacher. She held lessons for pleasure. She
was rich, lived in several places. She had a house on the main square, I
went there for lessons. She had a lovely apartment. They also had a block.
They weren't religious. Her husband was a banker, called something Laszlo.
Her daughter was a violinist. I lived in that part (of town) where the
factories were - in the suburbs - and went into the centre for lessons
(which was quite a way). I went on foot, and always took my violin with me.
When I went for lessons I felt that it wasn't enough just to sit there. She
did not teach Jewish songs, just classical pieces, I even played in a
cinema with an accompanist before an audience. (Not before the film, just
in the building). The cinema had no name, it's a theatre today. This was
1940, I must have been 10.


silvia nussbaum