Tag #136925 - Interview #78015 (silvia nussbaum)

Selected text
Most of the inhabitants left (Torda). War was a time of fleeing, from
shooting. We did not go then. We only went when the Russians came in. Until
then we were (in the cellar). The big battle was just next to Torda,
Russians against Germans. Then some (of the inhabitants) fled to the
surrounding villages. They tried to flee to the villages of the Ore
Mountains and went on foot. In the first days, when there was shooting,
they obviously went into the cellars, and a few days after, when the front
was approaching they fled to the villages around Torda.

When the Russians came in they said there'll be a great attack. We were
hiding behind a door, they didn't know there were women there, or who, or
how many. And then we all processed out and set off on foot and we went
pretty far. My father did not want to come, he wanted to save the factory,
not let something happen to it. He stayed with Iliescu, they defended the
factory, they were afraid the Russians would get hold of it. He let us go
on alone. I went many kilometers with my mother. We fled to a village close
to Torda: Sinfalva, Cornesti in Romanian.


silvia nussbaum