Tag #136947 - Interview #78015 (silvia nussbaum)

Selected text
my son met a Saxon girl from here (Transylvanian
German). They talked of getting married. I would have liked it better if he
had married a Jew. Mixed marriages are a problem, especially Jewish-German
ones. These two nations, since the Holocaust, are really removed from each
other. The in-laws met and the (girl's) mother said that she would really
like it if my son was married by a priest, She asked if I had any
objections. I said "It does not depend on me. It is up to my son, they are
getting married. But if you're asking me, I am very against it. I do not
ask for a religious wedding but I do not want him to leave the Jewish
religion. Let everyone keep their ethnicity, if they love each other they
will remain anyway." At this she said "Well I have no objections, let it be
a Jewish ceremony. I am very religious and I would like it of they do it
before God." A Saxon woman was capable of saying let it be according to
Jewish laws. I wouldn't have been capable of saying let's have a Lutheran
one. In the end they didn't have either. Let them be human and love each

Cluj Napoca

silvia nussbaum