Tag #137076 - Interview #98768 (Leon Seliktar)

Selected text
My maternal grandfather Leon lived with his family of five daughters and one son in a two-storey house. We, together with my father’s brother and his family lived in the other house, which had been inherited by my father. There was electricity, sewerage, water and a toilet inside the house. We had a nice yard with a fence around it. My father liked gardening: he cultivated flowers and small trees. When we were very young, some maids helped my mother, but the girls lived with us as if they were members of the family. They were Bulgarian girls. There were no maids at my maternal grandfather’s house, because he had five daughters. My grandparents were religious and observed the traditions. They went to the synagogue on Saturday and on big holidays and observed the other holidays at home. They weren’t members of any party or political organizations, but their children were. Their neighbors were Jews, but there were also many Bulgarians, with whom we got along very well.


Leon Seliktar