Tag #137080 - Interview #98768 (Leon Seliktar)

Selected text
My parents were religious, but not Orthodox Jews. [In general religious orthodoxy isn’t typical for Sephardi Jews in Bulgaria.] My grandfather went to the synagogue every Saturday but my father more rarely. On high holidays everyone, including the children, went to the synagogue. We didn’t always observe the kashrut at home, but we always observed Sabbath. My parents were part of the Jewish community. I remember that my mother very often raised money for the poor families and widows. I even remember that some neighbors lived in a very old house which was about to fall apart and some firefighters went to demolish it, because they were afraid that it would collapse and kill people. So, my mother and some other women went from house to house and raised money to build a small room to shelter those people in the first days.


Leon Seliktar