Tag #137087 - Interview #98768 (Leon Seliktar)

Selected text
When we heard that the Jews from Sofia would be deported to Poland on 24th May 1943 [24], in the Iuchbunar Synagogue, which was later destroyed in the bombings, rabbi Daniel Zion [25] said during the prayer, ‘Brothers, let’s go to the king and ask for his protection.’ I wasn’t present at that prayer. So, a demonstration started which reached Vazrazhdane Square, where it was stopped by mounted policemen. They started beating and arresting people. So, they detained a few hundred people and took them to the Konstantin Fotinov School. [The interviewee says that the Jewish people talked about the deportations. At that time the Soviet Union was already at war with Germany, the non-aggression pact had been violated and the left press wrote about those deportations. And the Bulgarian Jews were known to be of strong leftist orientation. Thus it’s not surprising that they knew about the camps.]

As a student in high school I also took part in the manifestation on the occasion of 24th May [26] [27], I was even in the marching band. Manifestations usually passed along Ruski Blvd, near the National Assembly, where King Boris III [28] welcomed the parade, and then the students went home. That morning our student manifestation also took place: we passed along our route, then we returned to the high school and were free to go home. I walked along Strandja Street in order to cross Alexander Stamboliiski Blvd. When I was 50 or 60 meters from the boulevard I saw three people. Two of them were Jews and I knew them. There was also a civilian with them. So, I walked towards them because I didn’t know what was going on. And in fact, they had been detained.


Leon Seliktar