Tag #137094 - Interview #98768 (Leon Seliktar)

Selected text
We observe Pesach, the New Year [Rosh Hashanah], and we buy matzah. My wife learned how to make burmolikos [see Burmoelos (or burmolikos, burlikus)] [35] from matzah. I go to the synagogue every Saturday. I have a lot of friends there. Most of them are Jews. We meet on holidays. My wife also goes to the synagogue. She takes part in the events organized by the Jewish Shalom Organization [36]. I went to the Bet Am [37] as a child, then as an officer during totalitarianism together with my wife. In Sofia I have two cousins. They are also Seliktar like me. I see one of them every day. My wife worked until she retired. She was a meteorologist, and then she went to work for the Bulgarian Tourist Union. I was in the army. The severing of the diplomatic ties with Israel [38] and the wars in 1967 [see Six Day War] [39] and 1973 [Yom Kippur War] [40] affected me in my duty. I was observed if I had ties with Israel and with whom, and if I received any letters.


Leon Seliktar