Tag #137177 - Interview #103294 (Alice Kosa)

Selected text
‘Please do convert.’ I say: ‘Alright, you know this better.’ He says: ‘You need to do nothing, you don’t even have to come, I will issue it and have it signed…’ that I requested officially to quit my religion and to take on the reformed religion. He resolved it indeed, he brought it to me and said: ‘You ought to go to the priest from Malnas and report him as well.’

The grandfather of Laszlo Tokes, the bishop was the priest in Malnas. But he was higher, his rank was one level up to a priest. So I went to Malnas, and I told him how things had happened, he said alright, he acknowledged it [the certificate], but I should be attending [lessons of religion], to learn the laws [of the Church], to learn the catechism. [Editor’s note: The Heidelberg Catechism is the reformed creed in the form of questions followed by answers.]

Well I didn’t go, I would have had to travel a lot. I said alright. He recognized it, I had an official certificate that I was converted, that was it. I didn’t care [about attending lessons of religion], I didn’t go. But I had no idea how fascism would be, if the Iron Guard prevailed in Romania.


Alice Kosa