Tag #137306 - Interview #103044 (Gyorgyne Preisz)

Selected text
Next to the elementary school, in another street, there was a small synagogue in a courtyard, and we went there. There were just a few Jews in that neighborhood. And there was a synagogue in what is now Bocskai Street. Later we used to go there. On high holidays my father too went to synagogue. I think he didn’t remember much of the traditions learnt from Szatmar, but he tried to live up to the commitments out of respect for my mother.

On Friday evenings he dressed up, he put on tallith too, there was a common supper, but when my father was not at home, he used to eat pork in secret. But on Saturday my father had to work. On high holidays, I think he didn’t have to. My mother lit a candle on Friday night for a long time.

At Seder the family came together, relatives, mainly from my mother’s side of the family, who were here in Budapest, and then we had a little Seder night. Whether it was at our place or at Irma’s, where there were four children, I don’t remember that any more. But I was the youngest, and I had to say the ma nishtana.


Gyorgyne Preisz