Tag #137308 - Interview #103044 (Gyorgyne Preisz)

Selected text
Later we moved to Peterdi Street, and there I started to go to middle schoo. I completed the first two classes. That [apartment] was somewhat larger, but Aunt Helen [father’s sister] lived with us too, in the so-called servant’s room. Then three identical big modern houses were built in Tisza Kalman square. And -- it was back in 1936 – parties distributed the apartments there.

Half of them were given to members and families of right-wing parties, the other half was given to the social democrats and the trade unions. My father did some kind of a job in the Trade Union of Commercial Employees, and so he got an apartment there. That wasn’t a big apartment either, but it was nice and modern, with central heating. I went to the middle school in Kalman Tisza square from there.


Gyorgyne Preisz