Tag #137536 - Interview #79544 (Sofi Uziel)

Selected text
We observed all Jewish traditions. We didn’t go to the synagogue, but we observed Jewish traditions at home. For example we had separate utensils for dairy products, our cuisine was Jewish [kosher]. It wasn’t difficult to be a Jew in communist Bulgaria, particularly if one was a communist. I’ve never told the children what happened during the war. I want them to look and go forward and never to experience what we experienced during the war. My father used to tell us something he knew from his father, ‘Study languages, girl!’ My grandfather had constantly repeated, ‘Teach the children to study languages! If they know languages, the whole world will be at their feet!’

My kitchen is kosher. I have a separate utensil for boiling milk. But since I’ve live alone I haven’t had the strength to work and cook. My daughter comes and helps me, but she lives in the countryside. She works there because she lost her job here. She used to be Chief of Department in the Ministry of Forests. My son-in-law used to work for the same ministry.


Sofi Uziel