Tag #137702 - Interview #78465 (Egon Lovith)

Selected text
One time, in 1941-1942, I was coming home and there was big panic when I arrived. Edit had attempted suicide [but she didn’t die] because my grandmother declared that she wouldn’t allow her daughter to marry a retarded person. But after all Edit managed to get her way and they were married by the time we lived by the train station. [In the meantime, Egon’s family moved to another apartment.] Some kind of relative of Samu let them use his house, which was on a street parallel to Horea Street, for the wedding. They prepared the food for the wedding there and arranged one room where they made the chuppah and where the rabbi came. I was there when they had to stomp the glass and then came the eating. It could be that they were singing Jewish songs, I don’t know because I left pretty early, I wasn’t really interested in it. Most of the guests were Samu’s, my family had only invited a few guests. It wasn’t a large wedding.


Egon Lovith