Tag #137705 - Interview #78465 (Egon Lovith)

Selected text
At that time I met a lady who worked at the blood clinic. I asked her to pose for a nude picture. My grandmother was the only one at home – my mother was at work, Irenke was at school and Jeno was also gone somewhere – so I took her into the white room through the window. After I was finished with the drawings I hid them so Edit wouldn’t see them when she came home. During that night, all of a sudden, my little plump grandmother got off her bed and I heard her calling me in Yiddish, ‘Are you asleep little Egon?’ I don’t know why she was talking to me in Yiddish but I understood it. ‘Move over a little’, she said to me. My grandmother lay down next to me and then continued whispering: ‘You think your grandmother is such an old-fashioned, stupid old woman?’ It was two or three o’clock in the morning and I didn’t know what kind of talk we were having. I was 18-19 years old, suddenly I didn’t know what my grandmother was referring to. She said to me, ‘I went into Edit’s room and I looked at those drawings and they are beautiful! You are so great, but, by the way, why are you bringing women in through the window?’ She knew that, too. ‘Bring her in through the door, I have some coffee, I will offer that to her, that drawing of her is very nice.’ My grandmother was proud of her grandson even though she was religious deep in her heart. She wanted to let me know that I shouldn’t go into secrecy, and that she would help me continue my drawing career, which was a big thing since I was drawing naked bottoms. The women in my life, my grandmother and my mother, were sensational and I’m still moved whenever I think of them.


Egon Lovith