Tag #137902 - Interview #99444 (Ladislav Urban)

Selected text
We didn't go abroad very often. We were in Hungary a couple of times. My wife had an aunt who lived in Budapest. I never went to the seaside with my first wife. Back then it wasn't possible yet, and neither did we have the money. On the other hand, we often went to the Tatras.

In the beginning, we used to go on vacations to our cottage in Nova Lehota. Often we'd also go to the Tatras and to Vratna Dolina. Vahostav, where I worked, had a company cottage there. When I began my postgraduate studies, I made friends with the cottage supervisor. He was at the same time also a shepherd at a farm in Sutovsko. Often I used to go visit him at his place. I've got very good memories of this. We used to go to Vratna, where we'd go skiing as well. We used to go to a cottage below Sokoli. We knew all the lift operators at Malino Brd. I had a friend by the name of Pista Bradiak. When I'd come from Bratislava to visit him, I'd always buy him a bottle of rum, as he drank rum. The whole week I'd be there I wouldn't have to pay for the lift. Here and there I'd also run the lift. For example it was carnival time, and people were in the mood for skiing, and so they came and said: "Listen, can you turn on the lift for us?" It was midnight. "Are you crazy? I can't." "Go arrange it." So I had to go wake up Bradiak, who gave me the keys from the cabinets. "Do you know what to turn on?" So at midnight I turned on the lift and who wanted to ski, skied.


Ladislav Urban