Tag #137906 - Interview #99444 (Ladislav Urban)

Selected text
I had a good relationship with Israel, because the Israeli ambassador in Czechoslovakia was Karol Grünwald. I don't know his Israeli name. I used to meet with him regularly, as he used to come to Bratislava. They were these secret visits. That was during the years 1960 – 1965, lets say. I used to arrange accommodations at the Hotel Devin for him. I'd arrange for him to be able to see the people that he wanted to meet. No one was allowed to know about it. Then, when I went to Prague, all I had to do was call and say "I'm here." Nothing else was needed, he'd find me. He always knew where I was. He lived in Prague 4. He had an apartment there, and also employed a cook and a maid. They both belonged to the StB [19]. When I'd arrive, he'd give them time off. He had to prepare for my visits up to two weeks in advance, so that they'd go on a trip, or to see a movie. No one could see me when I was at his place. I was never in Israel; I just used to see him.


Ladislav Urban