Tag #137907 - Interview #99444 (Ladislav Urban)

Selected text
I got married for a second time, and moved to the town of Iza. I'd already known my second wife long before that. A friend of mine, Frico Horsky, worked at a shipyard, and was the secretary of the soccer team and sports club. He told me to come there, that's I'd have it good there. I'd have cheap food here [The town of Iza is in the Komarno district. The area around this district is well-known as a developed agricultural region. A surplus of produce meant economic self-sufficiency and lower prices – Editor's note], and the Hungarians won't abuse me for being a Jew. I tried to get here. I was working on preparations for Gabcikovo [Construction on the Gabcikov – Nagymaros hydro project on the Danube River began in 1977 – Editor's note], and tried to have the head office locate research closer to Komarno, so that I wouldn't have to travel so much from Bratislava to Gabcikovo. Gradually I educated a whole number of operational managers. I also worked in eastern Slovakia. I worked on the foundations for an oil pipeline by Bodrog. I participated in the building of the highest chimney in Slovakia, in Novaky.


Ladislav Urban