Tag #138045 - Interview #78770 (Yako Yakov)

Selected text
At first my family lived in the Jewish neighborhood. I was born there and spent my childhood there. Later we moved to live at the end of the town, opposite ‘Shapkarska Industria,’ in a rented house. My first home in the Jewish neighborhood was on Vidin Street near Maccabi [16] and very close to the Armenian neighborhood. We, the children, the Armenians and the Jews, often played ‘wars’ with each other – these were just children’s games, we were in fact great friends. I remember that at that time the town was dug over and leveled with carts. We, the Jews, played mostly in Hashomer Hatzair and Maccabi.

Our home on Vidin Street consisted of two rooms and a kitchen. Then in the Bulgarian neighborhood we had two rooms, a bedroom, a hall and a kitchen. There was no difference in our relationship with our Jewish and Bulgarian neighbors. At our second house we shared a yard with our landlords, who were Bulgarians. They lived in a house smaller than ours. My mother got on with them very well, even during the Law for the Protection of the Nation. Our friends and neighbors always supported us.


Yako Yakov