Tag #138208 - Interview #96722 (Tinka Kohen)

Selected text
Then in 1939 Branniks [11] and Ratniks [12] appeared, but what bothered me the most was that a cousin of mine kept his Jewish origin secret. He was an international crook, and remained such until the end of his life. At that time he mixed only with Bulgarians, he concealed the fact that he was a Jew and claimed that he was an engineer, although he had graduated from an ordinary technical school. One night he took me to Bulgaria Restaurant which was frequented only by officers. And when he was about to go inside, one of his friends, an officer, said, ‘Forget it; it is full of chifuti here [derogatory nickname for Jews in Bulgarian].’ I was shocked and I asked my cousin, ‘Don’t they know that you are a Jew?’ and he mumbled something in response. So, I went away.


Tinka Kohen