Tag #138753 - Interview #78554 (Jozsef Faludi)

Selected text
We usually bought live geese at market and take them to be slaughtered by the shochet. The Rabbi would examine their crop. We didn’t have to take the smaller poultry, only if it appeared that it might not be kosher. But we always had to take the geese and ducks.

Two shochet lived in Kiskoros, because the Jewish community was large, with 350 members. There was a slaughterhouse where we’d take the poultry. The larger livestock was slaughtered in the city slaughterhouse, where there was a separate place. The butchers weren’t all Jews, in fact only one was a Jew, but they sold kosher meat in their shops too.

My mother did the canning. Jam-making was a special sort of tradition. Everyone had to help, including the boys. By the way, I loved the kitchen, more than the girls did.


Jozsef Faludi