Tag #138775 - Interview #78554 (Jozsef Faludi)

Selected text
In 1948 we sold everything and came home. Our first son, Emanuel, had already been born, in Tel Aviv in 1947. Mazal was pregnant with our second son when we came home, and Elek was born here in 1948. Our third boy, Tamas, was born in 1951.

By then my uncle Misi, my mother’s brother, and his family were already here. He had also been out in Israel, but they came back before me. They had a flat on Dohany Street in Budapest, and we went there.

Here at home I also worked on consignment as a leather worker. We ended up in Zuglo, a district of Budapest. We bought a flat, we bought a sewing machine, and I worked at home. We had no money when we came home, but started life here with help from relatives.


Jozsef Faludi