Tag #138882 - Interview #78577 (Katarina Lofflerova)

Selected text
I don’t remember our cantor, unfortunately, because he was new. He was young. The first cantor left. Novomesky made his beautiful speech. I think he was a very decent person, writer and poet, that’s why they liked him.

Unfortunately, an unforgivable thing happened. In 1972, they made a plan for a new bridge. According to the plan, the synagogue was in the way of the bridge, so they decided to tear it down. At that time, the community had no influence at all.

The few older Jews who had lived through the Holocaust, were not leader personalities. So they couldn’t save the synagogue, and it was torn down. The doubly sad thing about it is that even today it could be standing, because since then the place has been empty.

There was a mikveh in Bratislava. On Klariska Street, as you go up, there was a bath there, and a mikveh as well. Of course, they didn’t renovate it after the war either, but built a new one. Over where the Chez David restaurant is.

[This is the only Jewish restaurant which opened in all of Slovakia for decades. Originally intended to be a kosher restaurant, due to lack of interest, they no longer keep a kosher kitchen.] I was there for the opening. Now they’ve closed it down again, because nobody uses it, except the rabbi’s wife.


Katarina Löfflerova