Tag #138887 - Interview #78577 (Katarina Lofflerova)

Selected text
I went to a Neolog grammar school on what is Zochova Street today. There was an Orthodox grammar school, a Neolog grammar school, and there was a Civil School [14] for boys, across from us. Naturally girls also went to school. We wore sailor suits.

The boys wore pants, and we put on skirts. I had a sailor suit regularly up until I was fifteen; I always got it from my grandfather. In secondary school, we weren’t allowed to go to school together - the boys and the girls had to go to different schools.

I finished my first year of grammar school during World War I. There was no school on Saturdays, but we had to go on Sundays. There was a small prayer house there. On Saturdays – I don’t know anymore if we had to go or we just went if we wanted to – I don’t think we had to, but we went every Saturday morning.

The first grammar school started classes at 9am not 8am and only lasted three hours. Only the first grade had women teachers. The upper grades were taught by male teachers, whom we of course didn’t call sir or comrade, but Mister Teacher or Miss Teacher. They somehow got more respect from us that way, than in modern times.


Katarina Löfflerova