Tag #139271 - Interview #103233 (Golda Salamon)

Selected text
Since I was deported in the meantime, and we didn’t have enough time to learn. I couldn’t get to learn well how to pray either. It is very hard for us to pray. It isn’t in Israel, because they speak that language that is written. We pray, but we don’t know what. I can read it, but I don’t know its meaning.

Only if it is written on the other side in Jewish, in the Jewish jargon [in Yiddish]. When I was a girl, there were women in the synagogue who could pray very well, and there were some like me, who had to give to others the book, to look up the part the rabbi was reciting.

If we weren’t good enough in praying, we didn’t find it, as it isn’t written fluently, one always had to leaf a bit to find what he was saying. Women too went to the synagogue at autumn festivals. They all bought the place where to sit, the synagogue was maintained from that money. We, young girls attended this small synagogue [house of prayers].


Golda Salamon