Tag #139409 - Interview #77973 (nisim navon)

Selected text
The cemetery still exists, but Albanians are using it now.

My sister studied in the local gymnasium in Pristina before the war. Her
studies were interrupted when the Numerus Clausus laws were passed. After
the war she took a couple of training courses but she never finished her
secondary education. She moved to Belgrade in 1948 where she worked as an
office clerk. She married Jakov Ben Cion, a Sephardic Jew from Belgrade.
They were married in 1948 in the Belgrade Synagogue by Rabbi Cadik Danon.
Their marriage ended in divorce twenty-some years later. My sister and I
currently live in Belgrade and see each other often. I still speak to my
sister in Ladino but she prefers Serbian.


nisim navon