Tag #139410 - Interview #78180 (Emilia Kushnir)

Selected text
In 1955 my aunt Polya came to us from Switzerland. I already mentioned
that we lost communication with her prior to the war. After the war, my
father found her. She said her husband had died. Our correspondence was
restored. Then again in 1949 there was fight against cosmopolitism, and
again we had no letters from her. Only after Stalin's death, a friend of
hers (whose son was a political figure in democratic Germany) came to us
and brought us a letter from her.

So, when we received a letter from her, telling us that she was
coming, my father went to the police to "legalize," so to speak, her visit.
He went and asked them if we could have a relative visit us from
Switzerland. The police said "yes," so, we went to the airport.


Emilia Kushnir