Tag #139412 - Interview #77973 (nisim navon)

Selected text
Most of our extended family moved to Israel after the war, but my sister
and our parents and I remained in Yugoslavia. Mainly because of their poor
health, our parents were not in a condition to start a new life. Our father
died in Pristina in 1951. After his death, my mother and I moved to
Belgrade, where she died in 1984.

After my retirement and illness, I lost interest in politics. The situation
is much worse now than it was during World War Two. It is a tragic
situation for the Serbs; there are 300,000 refuges from Kosovo. Today
Pristina has 500,000 residents, including thieves, homeless persons and the
mafia from Albania who robbed and occupied Serbian homes. Kosovo is now an
Albanian state; KFOR has to protect the Serbs when they go out to buy

I can't tell what will happen in the future, but I think that anti-Semitism
will increase. I'm the oldest member of the synagogue and devoted to the
community. I promised my mother when she was dying that I would go to the
synagogue each Friday. And I'm keeping that promise.


nisim navon