Tag #139425 - Interview #78149 (Marika Krpez)

Selected text
Germans occupied Hungary on March 19, 1944, and formed ghettos in three
places in Subotica. A neighbor rescued my mother and me from the ghetto.
She met us on the street and told us not go home under any conditions
because another neighbor had already given our names to the authorities.
From then until the end of the war we were hidden by two Hungarian

The first was the Domsodi family. They were three sisters who lived in a
family house with a big garden in the suburb of Subotica. They were
seamstresses and I recall that they gave me rags and cloth rests to play
with. They were very kind to me, very gentle and understanding. At the same
time, my mother was hiding at the Borosh family's house. It was safer, both
for us and those families, that my mother and I were separated and that we
also changed our hiding places from time to time. In the Borosh family were
three children whom I played with. In their yard was a shelter where we hid
during bombings. In the shelter were only a few things, a bed and an oil
lamp. I stayed with them until the war was over.


Marika Krpez